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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 13th May 2023


Life.London is a trademark owned by Creatives Without Borders Limited, a UK registered company, where the full terms and conditions for use of its services are outlined here.

Data privacy and protection is very important to us for everyone who uses our products and services, and who entrusts us with their information. We have written this privacy notice so you can better understand how we collect data, what we do with it and how we look after it. We will tell you how long we keep data and what happens when we no longer need it. We will also outline what rights you have over your data and how we protect and facilitate those rights.

Opting in and out of communications made easy

Sometimes people want to read privacy notices because a business is asking for their permission to contact them for marketing. They want to be sure that, if they agree, it will be easy for them to withdraw permission in the future. We want you to be able to opt out as easily as you opted in. Any marketing email we send you will always have an “unsubscribe” link that will take you off that relevant marketing list. Please remember that you may have subscribed from another email address; you will only be able to use the link to “unsubscribe” from the address to which the marketing email has been sent.

If you want to change the preferences you have with us for email, you can use our online form here.


  1. What personal data do we collect from you?
  2. How do we use your personal information?
  3. Legal bases for data processing – what does it mean and how do we use them?
  4. Do we share your information with anyone else?
  5. Do we collect information on children?
  6. How long will we keep your data?
  7. Profiling – what do we mean?
  8. Data security and cross-border transfers
  9. Link to other websites
  10. Your data rights
  11. How to contact us

1. What personal information do we collect from you?

We collect information:

  • when you pay for any of our products or services
  • when you register to receive one of our newsletters
  • when you use any of our websites
  • when you attend any of our events
  • if you participate in any research we undertake, including surveys and polls
  • when you enter a competition or register for an award nomination
  • if you contact us about a query or a complaint

We collect the following types of information:

Contact information

When you use or subscribe to one of our services, such as purchasing merchandise, digital subscription, signing up to an email newsletter, entering a competition, or participating in any of our research, we will ask you to provide information such as your name, email and/or postal address, and phone number so that we can provide you with the services requested.

General personal information

When conducting surveys or running competitions, in addition to contact information, we may collect other personal information such as your gender, date of birth, marital status, etc. Please note that you can opt to send survey and poll responses as anonymous (not providing your contact information).

Payment details

When you purchase a product or service from us, such as merchandise, attending an event, article, or translation provision, we will also ask you for your payment details in addition to your contact information, in order to secure payment and to authorise access to our products and services.

Online identifiers

When you visit one of our websites, we collect information about your web visit, such as how long you visited, what sites you visited or pages you looked at, your IP address and where you were when you visited, what sort of device you were using when you visited (such as a mobile phone or type of desktop PC, Mac etc), and information identifying the language used by your Device.

Behavioural data

When you visit one of our websites, we collect data on your online behaviour (eg time spent on website, items clicked on, etc).

When you buy a product or service from us, we will collect information about what products and services you have bought from us.

When you register for a newsletter or take part in research, we may collect data about your preferences, tastes, and interests.

“Special” categories of data

Sometimes, we may collect data in online surveys on what is called “special categories of data”. These could be data sets such as political opinions, religion, philosophical beliefs, health, etc. Any time we collect such data, the survey will be anonymous, so your input will not be traced back to you. Moreover, whenever we conduct research on these topics, it is always optional, and we will make sure we have your consent to process this data. We will remind you at the time of why and how we are processing this data and what additional safeguards are in place for using, storing and ultimately either deleting this data.

If the data is collected for job applications where level of education or a descriptive paragraph of yourself are also required in addition to the contact and personal information, we will also inform you at the time of the collection, what additional safeguards are in place for using, storing and ultimately either deleting or anonymising this data.

2. How do we use your personal information?

We collect different types of information about people for four main reasons:

  1. To provide personalised services unique to individual users.
  2. To monitor and improve the services we offer.
  3. To market products and services which we think would be relevant to you. This includes any surveys or polls to collect explicit information on your opinion or preferences on certain topics.
  4. To sell advertising space on our websites. This helps us to keep our websites free for people who visit them.
  5. To provide job opportunities to you should you wish to apply.


When you sign up to our newsletters, you are giving consent for us to use the email address provided to send you relevant content for the brands you have signed up to. You can withdraw this consent for any newsletter by unsubscribing at any time.


We advertise on our site and in our newsletters to help keep most of the content free. We use cookies and similar technologies and work with trusted partners so that we can show you advertisements we believe might interest you, to control the number of times you see an ad and to measure the effectiveness of a campaign. If you are interested and want to learn more about these, including how to opt out, please see our Cookie Policy. Please note, opting out of cookies does not mean you will not see any advertisements.

Delivery of goods and services / Customer account management

We will use the information you have provided for the provision of goods and/or services that you have requested and subsequently communicating with you about those products and services.

Please note that when you buy something from us – such as subscription, a merchandise, or a ticket to an event – we may contact you about your registration details, to manage any account or subscription you have with us, or to provide customer service. This will be the case even if you have opted-out of, or declined to consent to, receiving promotional emails.

Competitions and Award Nominations

When you enter one of our online competitions or award nominations, we will process your information for the purposes of picking a winner. If you have opted-in to receiving information from us about our products and services (such as receiving offers, event invitations, signing up for editorial newsletters and so on) then we will use the information you provide to make sure we offer you relevant products and services (based on where you live, your age, gender, tastes, preferences etc). If you have opted-in to receive news and offers from any competition sponsors, we will share your information with them.

Further details about this, is outlined in the “who do we share information with” with section.

Customer queries and complaints

We process any information you provide when dealing with any complaints or enquiries made by you or legally on your behalf.

3. Legal bases for data processing – what does it mean and how do we use them?

The law on data protection sets out several different reasons why a company may collect and process your personal data and it is one of our duties to make sure you understand which of these lawful bases we are using to process your data.


In specific situations, we can collect and process your data with your consent:

  • When you sign up to any editorial newsletter
  • When you purchase any of our product or service from us
  • When you tick a box to receive email from us about news and offers
  • When you tick a box to consent to receive email from us on behalf of our partners
  • When you give us your details to enter a competition or an award nomination
  • When you participate in any research, surveys, and polls, this is with your consent

Contractual obligations

In certain circumstances, we need your personal data to comply with our contractual obligations.

For example, when you purchase a product from us, we will keep your name and address to fulfil your order.

Legal compliance

If the law requires us to, we may need to collect and process your data.

For example, we can pass on details of people involved in fraud or other criminal activity affecting us to law enforcement.

4. Do we share your information with anyone else?

We may share your personal information:

  • With our parent company, Creatives Without Borders Limited 

Service providers

We work with service providers to perform some tasks on our behalf. This might include analysis, payments, marketing, identity management, IT services. This may include personal information and non-personal site usage information to provide aggregate demographics on our audiences. We may share your personal data with these providers to perform the necessary tasks. However, they are obliged not to disclose or use it for any other purposes. Any third-party processing of your data on our behalf will be subject to security and confidentiality obligations consistent with this privacy notice and applicable law.

Customer research & insight

We may disclose de-personalised data (such as aggregated statistics) about the audience of our products and services and/or research participants to describe our sales, customers, traffic patterns and other information to prospective partners, advertisers, investors and other reputable third parties, and for other lawful purposes. These statistics will never include identifiable personal information.

Law enforcement organisations

Under certain circumstances we may occasionally be required by law, court order or governmental authority to disclose certain types of personal information and we reserve the right to comply with any such legally binding request.

Marketing partners

With your explicit permission, we may share your information with other companies we are working with, such as competition sponsors. Whenever we share your information with another company, we will always ask for your permission, will name the company and will always be clear that your information will be shared with another organisation.

5. Collecting data on children

We do not knowingly collect and process information from children (anyone under the age of 13). The products and services we offer are generally aimed at people aged 18 and over.

If you are under the age of 13, we ask that you do not give us any information about you or use our websites.

If you are a parent or guardian of a child under 13 and you if you think that your child has used our websites or subscribed to a newsletter or provided their information to us without your consent, please contact us at [email protected] and we will delete and/or stop processing your child’s personal information within a reasonable time.

If you are aged between 13 and 18, we request that you seek your parent or guardian’s permission before providing us with your information or using our websites or apps.

6. How long will we keep data? 

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to provide the individual service/s you have requested, while taking into account any legal requirements and tax and accounting rules. We do not store customer data for longer than 6 years after the last purchase.

Where you sign up to receive email marketing from us, we will retain your e-mail address after you ‘opt-out’ of receiving emails to ensure that we continue to honour and respect that request. To unsubscribe from marketing emails at any time, please click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any marketing email.

In some circumstances you can ask us to delete your data: see ‘Your rights’ below for further information.

In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you. Though, by design, our surveys, polls, or any other tools of research data collection will be anonymous, as we will not ask you your name, some your provided information cannot be traced back to you.

7. Profiling and Personalisation

We may sometimes use the data you share with us, and that we collect about you when browsing our websites and products, to personalise our services and to tailor marketing content. For example, we may use information you have provided to send you information about products we think you may be interested in. If you do not want to receive this material, you can unsubscribe at any point.

8. Cross-border transfers and security

We make sure that we have appropriate security measures to protect your information and make sure that, when we ask another organisation to provide a service for us, they have appropriate security measures and follow the same high standards of security and data protection as we do.

If we or our service providers transfer any information out of the European Economic Area (EEA), it will only be done with the relevant protection (stated under UK law) being in place.

9. Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites run by other organisations. This privacy notice applies only to our website‚ so we encourage you to read the privacy statements on any other websites you visit. We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites even if you have accessed them using links from our websites.

We receive commission on some of the links to third party websites offering products and services that we feature on our websites. We work with a third party to help us attribute e-commerce traffic. You can find out more in our Cookie Policy.

10. Your rights 

As a consumer, you have rights when it comes to your data:

  1. The right to be informed. At every point where we are collecting your data, we will inform you of why it is being collected and how it is being processed.
  2. The right of access. If you wish to see what information we hold on you, you may send us what is called a Subject Access request. We will require photocopies of two pieces of identification. We will respond within 30 days of receipt of your request. There is usually no cost to you in requesting to see your data, but please note that we reserve the right to charge you if you make subsequent requests. You can use the contact details below for a Subject Access Request, or you may use the online form here
  3. The right to rectification. We offer the opportunity to amend your personal information by contacting us using the details below.
  4. The right to erasure. If you wish to cancel all communications with us, we can anonymise or de-identify your data. Please contact us using the Deletion Request form here or the details below. Please make sure you inform us of all email accounts, profiles, names etc that you may have used with us that you wish to erase.
  5. The right to restrict processing. You can opt-out or restrict the processing of your data by:
    • Amending your cookie settings in your browser
    • Updating your cookie preferences any time you visit our website by clicking “cookie preferences” at the bottom of each web page.
    • Unsubscribing from postal and email communications
    • Contacting us at [email protected]

If you are unhappy with the way we have collected and are using your personal data please do not hesitate to contact us, using the contact details below

You have the right to complain to a supervisory authority. In the UK this is the Information Commissioner’s Office.

11. How to contact us

Thank you for reading our Privacy Notice. If you would like to contact us to understand more about our privacy notice or wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to individual rights and your personal information, then please email us at [email protected]